Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When summer arrives I love to have a huge list of things to do with my kids.  We sleep in, go to fun places, play games, eat fun summer stuff, make plenty of popsicles, camp, hike, and even put together puzzles.  It's rained a lot lately.  So we enjoyed our down time inside and put together a few puzzles.  I've also struggled with migraines this week.  If you've had one you know the pounding pain hits one side of the head and can last for up to three days.  I had one Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  That means I've been in serious pain for a week. (I'm writing this on Saturday so hopefully I'm all better when you see this). Friday my doctor gave me a sample of maxalt.  It worked ok.  I'm seriously going to try cayenne pepper pills.  Tylenol and pepsi have been a big help too.  Thank goodness that my children are awesome and so understanding.  And thank goodness for cool puzzles and a comfy couch.

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